Sunday 11 November 2007

Reflections and work done this week...


I found it really hard this week to find a "bad" and a "good" website.
In my opinion, instead of looking at a poorly designed website (easy to find when you use Google), I started thinking about websites that I personally had difficulties with when I was navigating online. I have been to both of these restaurants and I have never been so disappointed by a restaurant's website like with Sketch.


Following last week's session, we decided to include, after the theoretical definitions of "Virtual communities" a list of definitions from students from LCC (not from Media and Cultural studies) that I had to interview last week.
Unfortunately, (and I apologize to the group), I was not able to interview the students last week as I was focusing on a seminar that I was presenting.

Despite not being able to conduct the interviews, I read through Leda and Mette's work and noted some changes that could be made.
I also continued my research on the existence of different "groups" within a "virtual community". This expression can be contested of course as there is certain confusion between the terms "group" and "community".

What do we mean by "community"? - Does that involve more personal investment then if you are part of a group?
In my opinion, a community is a group, BUT a group is not necessarily a community.
For example, our class is a group, but except our studies, there is no particular specific criterion that keeps us "united”.

I am happy that this project is finally taking a shape and I am looking forward for Wednesday when we are going to put all the information as a group together. I have started lately to enjoy the idea/concept of blogging! Really! I was feeling so uncomfortable at the beginning because a personal reflection -for me- was "personal"! Not to be posted online for everyone to see.
My view has completely changed as now this blog helps me to keep track of my work and post information for my group. I hope I am not repeating myself - but it is something I think about whenever I am writing on my blog. I observed in the group that I was not the only one who's feeling regarding the blog evolved throughout the weeks.
Only slight disappointment: I do not receive a lot of comments!

1 comment:

Nogbad said...

Doing any better with the comments Jana?